10235 - 控制公司


公司A = 公司B。 公司A拥有大于50%的公司B的股票。 公司A控制K(K >= 1)个公司,记为C1, ..., CK,每个公司Ci拥有xi%的公司B的股票,并且x1+ .... + xK > 50%。 你将被给予一系列的三对数(i,j,p),表明公司i享有公司j的p%的股票。计算所有的数对(h,s),表明公司h控制公司s。至多有100个公司。



第一行: N,表明接下来三对数的数量。 第二行到第N+1行: 每行三个整数作为一个三对数(i,j,p),如上文所述。





1 2 80
2 3 80
3 1 20


1 2
1 3
2 3


Some companies are partial owners of other companies because they have acquired part of their total shares of stock. For example, Ford owns 12% of Mazda. It is said that a company A controls company B if at least one of the following conditions is satisfied:

Company A = Company B Company A owns more than 50% of Company B Company A controls K (K >= 1) companies denoted C1, ..., CK with each company Ci owning xi% of company B and x1 + .... + xK > 50%. Given a list of triples (i,j,p) which denote company i owning p% of company j, calculate all the pairs (h,s) in which company h controls company s. There are at most 100 companies.

Write a program to read the list of triples (i,j,p) where i, j and p are positive integers all in the range (1..100) and find all the pairs (h,s) so that company h controls company s.

PROGRAM NAME: concom INPUT FORMAT Line 1: n, the number of input triples to follow Line 2..n+1: Three integers per line as a triple (i,j,p) described above.

SAMPLE INPUT (file concom.in) 3 1 2 80 2 3 80 3 1 20

OUTPUT FORMAT List 0 or more companies that control other companies. Each line contains two integers that denote that the company whose number is the first integer controls the company whose number is the second integer. Order the lines in ascending order of the first integer (and ascending order of the second integer to break ties). Do not print that a company controls itself. SAMPLE OUTPUT (file concom.out) 1 2 1 3 2 3

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