10612 - 矩形牛棚

到底是个资本家,Farmer John想通过买更多的奶牛来扩大它的生意。它需要给奶牛建造一个新的牛棚。 FJ买了一个矩形的R(1 <= R <= 3000)行C(1 <= C <= 3000)列的牧场。不幸的是,他发现某些1 x 1的区域被损坏了,所以它不可能在把整个牧场建造成牛棚了。 FJ数了一下,发现有P(1 <= p <= 30000)个1 x 1的损坏区域并且请你帮助他找到不包含损坏区域的面积最大的牛棚。


第1行: 三个空格隔开的整数 R, C, and P. • 第2..P+1行: 每行包含两个空格隔开的整数, r和c, 给出一个损坏区域的行号和列号.


第1行: 牛棚的最大可能面积



3 4 2
1 3
2 1




  1 2 3 4
1| | |X| |
3| |#|#|#|
标'X'的区域是损坏的, 标 '#'的区域是牛棚.


A Rectangular Barn Mircea Pasoi -- 2003 Ever the capitalist, Farmer John wants to extend his milking business by purchasing more cows. He needs space to build a new barn for the cows.

FJ purchased a rectangular field with R (1 ≤ R ≤ 3,000) rows numbered 1..R and C (1 ≤ C ≤ 3,000) columns numbered 1..C. Unfortunately, he realized too late that some 1x1 areas in the field are damaged, so he cannot build the barn on the entire RxC field.

FJ has counted P (0 ≤ P ≤ 30,000) damaged 1x1 pieces and has asked for your help to find the biggest rectangular barn (i.e., the largest area) that he can build on his land without building on the damaged pieces.

PROGRAM NAME: rectbarn INPUT FORMAT Line 1: Three space-separated integers: R, C, and P. Lines 2..P+1: Each line contains two space-separated integers, r and c, that give the row and column numbers of a damaged area of the field SAMPLE INPUT (file rectbarn.in) 3 4 2 1 3 2 1

OUTPUT FORMAT Line 1: The largest possible area of the new barn SAMPLE OUTPUT (file rectbarn.out) 6

OUTPUT DETAILS 1 2 3 4 +-+-+-+-+ 1| | |X| | +-+-+-+-+ 2|X|#|#|#| +-+-+-+-+ 3| |#|#|#| +-+-+-+-+

Pieces marked with 'X' are damaged and pieces marked with '#' are part of the new barn.

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