10414 - 解密牛语


如果一头牛有信息要加密,比如"International Olympiad in Informatics",它会随机地把C,O,W三个字母插到到信息中(其中C在O前面,O在W前面),然后它把C与O之间的文字和 O与W之间的文字的位置换过来。这里是两个例子:

International Olympiad in Informatics -> CnOIWternational Olympiad in Informatics

International Olympiad in Informatics -> International Cin InformaticsOOlympiad W


Begin the Escape execution at the Break of Dawn




一行,两个整数. 如果能解密成上面那条逃跑的信息,第一个整数应当为1,否则为0;如果第一个数为1,则第二个数表示此信息被加密的次数,否则第二个数为0。



Begin the EscCution at the BreOape execWak of Dawn


1 1


Cryptcowgraphy Brian Dean The cows of Farmer Brown and Farmer John are planning a coordinated escape from their respective farms and have devised a method of encryption to protect their written communications.

Specifically, if one cow has a message, say, "International Olympiad in Informatics", it is altered by inserting the letters C, O, and W, in random location in the message, such that C appears before O, which appears before W. Then the cows take the part of the message between C and O, and the part between O and W, and swap them. Here are two examples:

        International Olympiad in Informatics
        CnOIWternational Olympiad in Informatics
        International Olympiad in Informatics
        International Cin InformaticsOOlympiad W

To make matters more difficult, the cows can apply their encryption scheme several times, by again encrypting the string that results from the previous encryption. One night, Farmer John's cows receive such a multiply-encrypted message. Write a program to compute whether or not the non-encrypted original message could have been the string:

        Begin the Escape execution at the Break of Dawn

PROGRAM NAME: cryptcow INPUT FORMAT A single line (with both upper and lower case) with no more than 75 characters that represents the encrypted message. SAMPLE INPUT (file cryptcow.in) Begin the EscCution at the BreOape execWak of Dawn

OUTPUT FORMAT Two integers on a single line. The first integer is 1 if the message decodes as an escape message; 0 otherwise. The second integer specifies the number of encryptions that were applied (or 0 if the first integer was 0). SAMPLE OUTPUT (file cryptcow.out) 1 1

Time Limit 1 second
Memory Limit 128 MB
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